Louis Mortamet


Louis Mortamet was born in Lyon in 1897. His father was the architect Gabriel Mortamet.

He is mobilised for the Great War in 1915 and in 1918 he enters the Ecole d'Architecture te Lyon. In 1920 he switches to the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, where he is placed for a stage at the Umbdenstock-Pontremoli agency. Mortamet is a friend of Georges Curtelin, they know each other from school, and when Curtelin goes to Oosterhout to work at Bellot’s atelier Mortamet goes also to study there. He graduates in 1923 and starts to work in his father’s atelier. He works together with Bellot at the Montpellier project. After his father’s death in 1942 he continues the Mortamet atelier by himself. Louis Mortamet died in 1956.


We know he build the following churches:


Sainte Famille at Croix-Luizet,

Sainte Charles at Lyon.