Edgar Courchesne

Edgar Couchesne is born in 1903. He studies theology at first. He is a student-architect in the atelier of Louis-Napoleon Audet in Sherbrooke (Canada). In 1931 he travels to Wisques for a stage-period of 8 months at the Bellot-atelier. After his return to Canada he constructs the crypt of the Seminary Saint-Charles Borromée in Sherbrooke, in the style of Bellot (shown to the right). He also worked for the Canadian Travel board and he has built for Radio Canada as well. He died in 1979.


We know Courchesne built the following religious buildings:

Crypt of Seminary Saint-Charles Borromée in Sherbrooke

Benedictine abbey "Sainte-Marie des-deux-montagnes"

Sainte Madeleine and Sophie Barat in Montreal

Saint Benoît at Granby (together with Dom Côté)

St. Jean Baptiste at Bouctouche.

(on the left)